Loving Soulfully

Authentic Self-Love, Soul-Love, and Divine-Love

Rohit Juneja

Rohit Juneja

Rohit is a spiritual thought leader & the author of “Loving Soulfully.”
He is also a certified Spiritual Director/Mentor/Counselor, Past-Life Regression & Clinical Hypnotherapist, Conscious Relationship, Personal Growth & Life Coach.

His unique approach of combining spirituality and psychology—with a special focus on unconditional self-love and taming the "inner critic”—have yielded amazing results with clients.

His gentleness, compassion, practical insights and unconventional wisdom have inspired people all over the world.

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What readers are saying about "Loving Soulfully"

"Rohit's clarity and evolutionary ideas left me with a feeling of expansiveness. His words feel pulled from a divine mind. Everyone should read this book.
The world would be a better place for it." - Carol

"A MUST READ!!! "Loving Soulfully" profoundly touched my Heart and reminded me of my own LOVE ESSENCE. This book is PURE LOVE!!
Everyone - Read it, Read it!! ♥ " - Selma Patricia

Soulful Self-Love

Self-love is not only about pampering yourself with shopping, massages, long baths etc. Such gestures can be meaningful only if there is an underlying core of kindness, non-judgment, validation and nurturing self-care in the way we relate to ourselves.

Love's Challenge

We have been led to think that we will find a perfect person and then live happily ever after. But love has a very different agenda.

Love's Abundance

We believe that there is only one perfect person for us but love is abundant, it is everywhere, all around us. It is the energy of the Universe, open your heart, let it in and you will find love everywhere.


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